Despite the fact that I don't have any musical ability, music has always played an important role in my life...and recent events have validated this fact.
I am constantly listening to music--at work, at home, in the car. I even like to fall asleep to music at night. I may not be actively focusing on music--for example at work I have music playing while I am testing software but I might not even be aware what is playing. One day my CD player was set to "repeat 1 track" and the same song played the entire day without me realizing it. But if the music had stopped, I would have noticed.
Our 6-disc CD changer at home had been acting strangely for the past year or so, and recently it finally officially bit the dust. I tried listening to the radio, but the commercials were annoying and none of the stations played a good variety of music so I wasn't happy. Then the owners of my company were kind enough to reward us with a shopping trip. At first I planned on buying a replacement CD changer, but upon further reflection decided that compact discs are probably soon going the way of the 8-track and the dodo bird so I instead bought an iPod.
Now to get to my point...the next step in setting up our sound system was to rip the music from our CDs onto the computer and eventually to the iPod. Going through my CDs was strangely like going through a photo album. It was amazing to me how certain CDs and songs are connected to significant events in my life--going to my first concert (Kool & the Gang) as a 14-year old during Little Sib's weekend at Miami, thinking all of my sister's friend were gorgeous, and deciding that was where I would go to college...Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes" always reminds me of my first date with Annette...sitting in my dorm room listening to George Winston's "December" in the glow of my roommate's stolen giant polar bear Icee light while agonizing over the decision to change my major...any Beatles song makes me think of my good friend Tom (the inspiration for Chris' middle name) who passed away several years ago...the soundtrack to "The Lion King" was playing during Ben's birth...sitting on the floor in the hallway of Mercy hospital singing James Taylor songs to newborn Maria for hours because it was the only thing I could do to stop her from crying and I wanted Annette to get some sleep...the list goes on and on.