This weekend the entire family attended Cub-O-Ree, a Cub Scout camping event. "Camping? But it's almost November? Why would you do that?" you ask. I couldn't agree more!
I am a child of the technology era. I work in technology. New inventions, gadgets, and devices that make life easier and more comfortable are a GOOD thing, in my opinion. I think this is why camping is not for me. Take, for example, the furnace and the matress. These are all good things that have improved life and helped society move forward. When we camp, let's look at our chosen downgrades...
The furnace--->sticks and logs. Once you are sleeping, a campfire doesn't do you much good. You can't put it IN your tent. You certainly don't have the control offered by the thermostat. And you can get burnt.
The matress-->sleeping bag on the ground. No contest here. I love my matress. It's soft and warm and always the same. The ground is hard and wet and cold, and there are unpredictable roots and sticks that add to the discomfort.
I'm not saying there's nothing good about camping. Sitting around the fire, singing songs, telling ghost stories, making smores--these are all great things that I enjoy. But then let's hit the hotel!
I'll even give you the occasional summertime campout. The temperature is much more comfortable, everything doesn't get cold and wet like it does during fall/winter camping. Once when we were dating, Annette and I saw a meteor shower while camping--tons of beautiful shooting stars. It is one of my favorite memories, and I never would have experienced it had we not been camping. And you can take a very affordable vacation away from home by camping.
But camping in 35 degree temperatures in the crowded back field of Garfield Junior High in Hamilton--20 minutes from my house? Not for me. Annette tells me that my negative attitude rubs off on the kids, and I know it's true. I feel guilty about it, but I can't seem to help it. When I don't sleep well, I'm very irritable--and I'm not a very good actor.
Ben and Chris both seem pretty into the Cub Scout thing, so I have a feeling I better try to learn to enjoy it--there will be many more cold-weather campouts to come, I'm sure. Since my camping issues all seem to revolve around sleeping, perhaps proper camping gear would help. A better sleeping air matress that actually keeps it's air throughout the RV with satellite TV? :)