• The World According to Clarke

    Wednesday, March 26, 2008

    Elder statesman?!?!

    While driving home this even, I heard a news story on the radio about NBA player Chris Webber deciding to retire. The story referred to him as an "elder statesman" of the NBA. Elder statesman?!? He was born 3 years after me! What's with that? I remember when the guy was still in college and called the infamous time out during the championship game. It wasn't THAT long ago...geesh!

    Saturday, March 15, 2008

    Facebook / High school

    This year is the 20th anniversary of my high school graduation, and the group that is putting together the reunion has been using Facebook (a social networking website) to get the information out. Being a bit of a nerd, I've really gotten into using Facebook and am spending way too much time on it. It has been fun catching up with people I haven't spoken to in a long time. One of them recently posted a picture of our entire graduating class. Here it is if you're interested. I'm in the 2nd row from the top in the middle wearing a red shirt with a white collar.

    Back to Facebook, it was also interesting to learn that it was created by a couple of college students who are now worth billions. Nice idea, guys! Here's some details.

    Sunday, March 09, 2008

    Blizzard of 2008

    Finally, a snowstorm that reminded me of the Cleveland days of my youth! It snowed about 8 inches overnight on Friday night, and then about 4 more during the day on Saturday. It was also very windy, so there were some 3 and 4 foot snow drifts in our yard--the kids had a blast! And I was particularly happy when one of our neighbors came by with his snow blower and did our driveway--thank you!

    Wednesday, March 05, 2008

    Going out with a bang (or a zap)

    Today was my last day at the company where I've worked for the past 10 years. I've known for a couple of months that my employment there was coming to an end, and a group of friends has been commiserating during daily afternoon breaks in the snack room. For most of that time, the snack room featured a vending machine that didn't work. Just a week or so ago, the machine was finally replaced with a new, working one--much to our excitement.

    Well, today as I went to purchase my final candy bar (plain M&M's actually), I pressed the appropriate button and was greeted with a large static electricity shock and then the lights on the machine went dark. It no longer dispenses candy.

    To the rest of the break group, I apologize! My electric personality strikes again. I hope it doesn't take them as long to fix it this time!