• The World According to Clarke

    Tuesday, September 05, 2006

    Labor Day Weekend

    I've always though Labor Day was a particularly appropriate name for the September holiday, since Mom's and my birthday (both 9/5) always fall near or on Labor Day and Mom was in labor for almost 24 hours on her birthday having me.

    The Labor Day/birthday weekend was a very enjoyable one, which in retrospect centered mostly around food. It started on Friday evening with a yummy grilled steak dinner and fun birthday get together at the house with Annette, the kids, and the Braces. On Saturday we drove up to the Dayton Airport, where Annette's Aunt Jeanie and cousin Angela were arriving for a visit. We met them and Annette's parents and had brunch at Cracker Barrel--chicken and dumplings for me, of course! We then drove to Springboro where Kara Hampton gave Chris an eye examination and confirmed the fact that he needs glasses (pictures of Chris in his cools specs to come soon) and then to Mike and Kara's house for a barbeque. On Sunday we went to the Toyota/WEBN fireworks, where we ate homemade salsa, chocolate cookies, and brownies while we watched a very cool fireworks display (I particularly liked the smiley-face fireworks). On Monday, we got together with my parents and the McClary's to celebrate the birthdays and eat--KFC and chocolate cake. After the party, we ran to the pool for a last swim of the summer--and wouldn't you know if the snack bar was selling everything at half price to clear out their stock.

    Good thing the new workout room has opened at the office--I'm going to need it!


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