• The World According to Clarke

    Thursday, December 08, 2005

    "The White Death" hits Cincinnati

    The weather forecast called for snow right around rush hour today, so I planned on leaving work a little early to beat traffic. It didn't quite work out. The snow started a little after 3 p.m., and I left the office at about 3:40. I finally pulled into my driveway at 6:50. Not a fun commute!

    Sick of sitting in traffic, I decided to try the back roads for the last few miles. It was working out well, until I reached a small uphill portion where five or six cars were stuck. A few people then came out of their houses to help push the cars up the hill, and along with the drivers we all helped push each other up the hill. After close to 3 hours in the car (reaching speeds up to an exhilarating 15 mph) watching people cut each other off and being somewhat stupid, it was nice to see a group of people being friendly and helpful--not just thinking about themselves. As each car reached the top of the hill, the driver would get out and walk down to help the next--not just take off.

    Unfortunately, due to the weather I wasn't able to attend our company Christmas party this year. It was back south in KY, and by the time I got changed and drove back down I was afraid it would already be over. Hopefully everyone made it safely and had a good time!


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