• The World According to Clarke

    Thursday, October 20, 2005


    I've always kind of hated Halloween. I think the two main reasons are: 1) I really like Nestle Crunches. In fact, they are about the only candy bar I like. Once my "friends" discovered this fact, it made negotiations very difficult. "I'll give you one mini Nestle Crunch for 5 Snickers and a Kit Kat." Yeah, that's fair. 2) I don't like being the center of attention, which is pretty much what you're going for when you dress up. Anyway, at a pretty early age I stopped trick-or-treating and started getting my mom to buy Nestle Crunches to hand out. Then I'd just eat those.

    Having kids now, however, has made me appreciate Halloween more. They really have a good time with it, and seeing them having so much fun makes it pretty fun for me. Plus, it gives me a good excuse to go out and buy Nestle Crunches.

    Speaking of Halloween, I just posted some October pictures on the website. More will be coming after trick-or-treat day.


    Blogger The Kman said...

    Great Pictures!

    I need to get better at taking pictures. But we just don't do much worth taking pictures of. LOL

    You know at Halloween if everyone else is dressed up too, you are not the center of attention. You are more the center of attention being the only one not dressed up for Halloween.

    I have always loved Halloween, by far my favorite holiday! Now Christmas I can do without.

    11:06 PM  

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