Almost Famous...
I was surfing around the Web this evening, reading a bit about the upcoming Harry Potter movie. HP & the Goblet of Fire is my favorite book of the series, and I'm really looking forward to the movie. Anyway, I was reading about how the HP books are some of the most censored books around right now--I guess people think that if kids read them they'll try to become evil sorcerers. One of the sites provided a link to the Censorship Center at the National Council of Teachers of English Web site. At the NCTE site, they provide a couple of samples of teaching rationales--which are papers that explain the reasons for using a particular literary work, film, or teaching method. And guess who wrote the rationale they use as a sample on their site? Yours truly! It's a paper (not a particularly good one, mind you) I wrote back in college about the novel A Color Purple (excellent but disturbing book, by the way). It was fun but kind of bizarre to run across it.
I think Harry Potter is dangerous because it bores kids to death. Woooooo, what a snorefest. I clicked "next blog" and so that's how I came across your very super blog. I'm a weirdo!
Wow I didn't know I was friends with a famous author who is being quoted by the NCTE.
Oh yeah. And with all of my money from the royalties, I can buy...nothing! :)
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